Lords Of Metal reviews

lords of metalThe Lords Of Metal website has published a couple of reviews of our recent releases. Some are pretty good. Here some words on Cranston:

The band Cranston is the next chapter in the long career of the in melodic rock circles very well-known Phil Vincent, who both as a solo artist as well as with bands like Tragik, D’Ercole and Legion has released quite a lot of great albums. In this new outfit Cranston, which is by the way named after the birthplace of mister Vincent, he has joined forces with another celebrity in the melodic rock world being Paul Sabu, which has become quite popular with bands like Kidd Glove, Only Child and Sabu. The combination of these two world-class artists, completed with drummer B.F. D’Ercole (of the earlier mentioned eponymously entitled band), brings its first work of art to market now and that has certainly become a very meritorious affair. Read the rest here.

Next up is Sixtynine: We don’t see it too often that a band from Slovenia releases an album that is reaching our territory but this outfit Sixtynine has nevertheless succeeded in that with this debut album ‘You Are Me’. The band is playing traditional (heavy) rock with a lot of attention for the fine vocals of singer Tomaz, who is (rightfully) determining the overall band sound of Sixtynine to a large extent. The album kicks off with the very beautiful, but rather subdued ‘Don’t Give Up’, which for me definitely is one of the best songs that this album has to offer. Read the rest here.

For both we have Sjak to thank.

Alas some other people wrote about the Docker’s Guild album and the latest Forest Field offering. But these are only proof that some should be banned from writing as they lack the proper skills…


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