

I was obviously angry when I wrote the message below. After some consideration I opt for another solution. There will be no more shipping without tracking. So I will once again add PayPal as a paying solution. But Due to all of these lessons learned I have to raise the pricing of the releases. Guess in these times it was a bit mad anyway to keep them the same for so long….


no more paypalDue to a customer refusing to respect his choice for our terms and conditions (chosing a shipping with no tracking and shipping at his risk) and PayPal also not willing to rule in accordance to our terms, we have had to decide to quit using PayPal. This because we want to continue to give you the option of a cheaper shipping method, on the strict condition that the risk is on YOU.
Our advice is and always will be that if postal service in your region is not on par, please choose for a shipping option with tracking!

Should you not be able to find a payment solution that works for you, please shoot us an email and we will work something out.



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