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Reviews keep coming!
Many reviewers have been spending time listening to our releases and write about them. And while it is still a case of “some get it, and some don’t” many of those reviews are still excellent! So here the current update of available reviews:
- DMME, the site of Dmitry Epstein has published about Souls Of Deaf (4/5), Marenna (3/5) and Cryptic Nature (3/5)
- DPRP have done an extensive one on Sunrise Auranaut
- Rock United have done an uplifting review of Chinawhite’s recent Different album. They also posted an interview with Peter
- Musiczine wrote about Souls Of Deaf (Dutch)
- Metal Inside were very happy with the Souls Of Deaf album
- and also RockXXL published a nice Souls Of Deaf review (Dutch)
- last but not least, MusikReviews wrote a mixed review of the D’Ercole album Made To Burn
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