Tag: abstract patterns

  • Video EPK for Earthshine V




    This week will see the official release of the new album Abstract Patterns by Earthshine. Yes, our smooth and soothing instrumental electronic music project that touches upon ambient and new age. Music that lifts the spirit and eases the mind! A quick way to sample some of the tracks is the next video:

  • More new releases!




        Things are turning quite hectic here at HQ. 2 albums landing end of October (the progmetal double disc Pandor by Koos Thönissen’s Cryptic Nature and the soothing instrumental album Abstract Patterns by Earthshine). December will also see 2 releases coming your way. And since they are both of a hard rocking yet melodic nature,…

  • Pre Orders for Cryptic Nature and Earthshine




    October 27 will see the release of our next 2 albums. But the good news is, here in our webshop you can already order them! They will be shipped out early October, so in most places you will receive them before the official release. And the best thing is; until October 26 they can be…

  • Earthshine serves Abstract Patterns




    Our electronic project Earthshine (relax, it’s instrumental music) has delivered a stunning fifth album. Abstract Patterns will also be released on October 27 and contains 8 tracks. Blekkmark Design Studio has not only created some fitting artwork, but also updated the logo. Peter had this to say about it: This time my starting point was certain…