Tag: cranston

  • Reviews 2019-11




    Time to show you another batch of reviews we are very happy to share! first is Dutch site Rockportaal. Writer Hans says “with this fifth Forest Field album, Peter Cox proves our country has a lot to offer musically. This album surprised me in a positive way” Next the feature of Battersea on Your Music…

  • Reviews 2019-7




    Since reviews keep coming hard and fast, time is long overdue to update the site with the best ones from recent weeks: Whiteroom reviews Legion “Rising shows that Legion can still rock. Good thing they are back” Sea Of Tranquility appreciate D’Ercole‘s Made To Burn with 3.5 / 5 stars: “If you enjoy melodic hard…

  • Reviews 2019-6




    And now time for the next round of reviews, as well as an extensive interview. So let’s start quickly with all the reviews: first is Dutch site Rockportaal writing about the Legion Album. Writer Maurice calls it a tasty album, playable on every moment of every day. The next is also from Maurice on Rockportaal,…

  • Reviews 2019-5




    Lots of reviews have been coming in, and I am late sharing them. So let’s start with the ones dealing with releases from last year! first up a review of Sunrise Auranaut’s Inserter album on Sea Of Tranquility.  Revieuwer Michael Popke rates it with 3/5 stars. been a while since Melodic Rock dot com have…

  • Review round 2019-4




          At the moment the reviews keep coming! So for the people who are still pondering on how to spend their cash, maybe here some motivation to support our artists. As usual follow the links to read the full story (few exceptions below): DMME give Sky Empire a 4/5 stars for The Dark…

  • reviews roundup 2019-3




            Lots of new reviews headed our way recently. So time for another roundup: Dutch site Rockportaal were happy with the second Cranston album and describe it as “tasty melodic hardrock in a modern jacket, inspired by older work. Fans of Eighties rock can buy this on sight”. the second Rockportaal review…

  • reviews roundup 2019-02




    It is time to update you on the next batch of reviews we want to share with you!   First one is from mr. H. (The Rocker) about Souls Of Deaf (January 22). He does not like the name or all of the tunes, but says “There are some good tunes and riffs on offer”…

  • reviews roundup 2019-01

    reviews roundup 2019-01




     At the moment many reviews are coming in. And we also see more and more radio shows including our releases. Thank you all for that. Here some quotes and links to the reviews: Glory Daze Music gave Cranston an 8.5 and admit quite liking the effort German site Musik Reviews gave Sunrise Auranaut 10/15 and…

  • More Reviews




    Ok, halfway through the month it is time to point you to some more reviews! Let’s first start with Mr. H. from Zeitgeist / The Rocker, writing about Fred Mika. Alas no direct link to the review (it was posted November 23) so here his words: FRED MIKA Withdrawal Symptons Rock Company It’s the one…

  • Pre- Order Cranston II available now!




    The second hammer album from Cranston is arriving! Singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist Phil Vincent, AOR God Paul Sabu, D’Ercole drummer B.F. D’Ercole, together form CRANSTON. Their new album “II” defies any easy pigeonhole. By turns, they perform melodic rock to accompany a throbbing backline as in “What’s it Gonna Take” and “Always on the Run”, singing…